Tag Archives: packaging

Label for Vanilla Extract

29 Dec

My last project was to make up a quick label for the bottles of vanilla extract I’ve been making:

Label for Vanilla Extract

I did this in a couple of hours on Christmas Night. I thought an orchid would be appropriate, as that’s where vanilla beans come from. However I was also at my boyfriend’s – without internet – and so I was reduced to looking through my photos for reference material. Fortunately I found this wedding photo that actually worked out well (it’s an orchid, if not a vanilla orchid). A bit of tracing and some lazy font selection later, and I had a label. I printed them up on clear sticky labels and stuck em on 🙂

Vanilla Extract

I tried lots of colours – darker worked better than light, which I probably could have had worked out beforehand, had I thought through everything. Overall, though, I’m pleased with my efforts.